Wendy Parr Wendy Parr


I was working with an artist on tour. They're seasoned and have toured many times. They were so tired and said, "I want to quit."

I told them - I want you to start tonight's concert expressing how tired you are and how you don't want to be there!

Of course, they replied with "I can't do that." I asked her to trust me and simply start the concert expressing the genuine feeling she was having at that moment and then see where it takes you.

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Wendy Parr Wendy Parr

Me + Miss Patti LaBelle, Part I

Have I told you about the time I sang with Patti LaBelle?

Or, should I say: the several times I sang with Patti Labelle?!… I was a teenager that first time-- the second time I went to see her, I took flowers. I was about 20 years old, she asked me if I could rap. I said:

“No, Patti, but I can sing.”

She gently waved me off and turned around. But then, she turned back to me, asking “Do you sing? Do you really sing?!” And I said

“Yes Patti, I can really sing!”…

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